The choir regrets to announce that Paul Kelly, their Musical Director, has decided to step down from the post after 10 years loyal service. Paul was appointed in 2010 and brought a wealth of experience to the post, having previously directed a variety of orchestras, choirs and bands. Paul was formerly employed as Director of Music at the William Brookes School until his retirement in 2005.
Pauls vision for the choir was to develop and improve acoustic tone and under his leadership the choir has moved forwards in its sound and range of music, building on what was an already extensive repertoire. The current programme of song reflects a more modern twist and always attracts very positive responses from audiences.
Some of the highlights of Pauls tenure as MD includes tours of Ireland, Gateshead, the Lake District, Tyne & Wear, South Wales and Cornwall. The choir took part in the Olympics ‘Welcome Songs’ in 2012 when it was filmed by Central TV and a new milestone was achieved in December 2016 when the choir announced the release of its latest recording ‘Spirit of the Edge’. Last year the choir was pleased to celebrate its 50th anniversary.
Paul and his family plan to relocate to the Orkney Islands, but in the meantime Paul will continue to support the choir while a successor is sought, for which the choir is grateful and expresses its heartfelt thanks for his work, while wishing him every success for the future.