A packed December programme started with an appearance at Wenlock Xmas Fayre on Saturday 2nd December when the choir joined with many other artists and performers to entertain the shoppers in Wenlock High Street, (for full details of the event see the Fayre’s website at www.muchwenlockchristmasfayre.org.uk). The choir travelled to Bayton Church near Cleobury Mortimer for a concert on Sunday 3rd December and to Shrewsbury Abbey on Friday 15th to take part in an evening of musi
cal performances including carols and festive readings.
The choir returned to home territory on Saturday 16th for a Xmas concert at The Edge where mince pies and mulled wine were on offer. The concert started at 7.30pm and tickets were free…..yes that’s right!…the audience were treated to a programme of well known Christmas songs and an appearance by ‘Eight in a Bar’, Shropshire’s own Barbershop Group.
The choir are pleased to anounce that the concert with Keith Nichols at The Edge in November raised £1000 for The Alzheimer’s Society, the cheque was presented to the charity in front of a packed audience at Shrewsbury Abbey.